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Is Hand Sanitizer Safe For Your Jewelry?

Is Hand Sanitizer Safe For Your Jewelry?

Due to the global spread of Coronavirus, many people have increased their use of hand sanitizer. We know it disinfects, but what else is it doing to your jewelry?

Is hand sanitizer safe for jewelry?

Generally speaking, hand sanitizer is safe for all hard stones and precious metals such as silver, platinum, titanium and other plated rings.

What jewelry can be harmed by hand sanitizer?

If the ring contains soft stones like pearls or opals, the alcohol in the hand sanitizer could damage them. In addition to possibly damaging soft stones, the additional ingredients in hand sanitizer will dull the shine.

What can you do?

First and foremost, health and hygiene are always more important than any piece of jewelry, so we are not discouraging the use of hand sanitizer. If your rings do contain soft stones, simply remove rings before applying hand sanitizer. 

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